Pitfield Veg is helping to rebuild local food economies

We believe that changing the way we produce and distribute food is fundamental to solving the world’s most pressing social and ecological problems.

About Pitfield Veg

Pitfield veg is a one person run Farm, Sophie. HI! I grow on half an acre in the heart of Sussex, Hurstpierpoint without the use of heavy machinery or pesticides. I have lived in the village on and off over the past 10 years without ever intending to and I am happy to back once more. My formal training in craft and design has always been shaped by my values around environmental and social sustainability, imagining a world, where we give what we take and where we have what we need. On the land I get to apply these values of planet- and people care. I find a lot of joy in working in rhythm of the season and being able to share the result with everyone locally: Good quality, nutritious food! I harvest early in the mornings as the sun rises to prepare boxes on the same day for ultimate freshness.

Fair prices for farmers and artisan food producers is vital

We pay our suppliers at least 50% of the retail value for any products we buy in, and when dealing with wholesalers, we check to make sure they pay fair prices to their growers.

The benefits of buying local

Local food supports local economies. Food grown in the local community supports local jobs and encourages variety in our diets. It also requires less transportation, so it's fresher and has a smaller environmental footprint.

Fresher food

Reduced food miles

Support local jobs

Respect for the food system

Fewer preservatives

Better value for money

Reduced packaging

They are a 'godsend' for busy families wishing to expand their fruit and vegetable consumption, while eating locally and seasonally. So convenient to order and receive, they combine friendly service with consistently high-quality products.

— Liz

We've got some great people

Meet some of our committed Pitfield Veg crew who work hard to bring you the tastiest local food.

Get started!

Your first box is only a few clicks away. Get a box of fresh, local food in your kitchen soon, packed with care and supporting your local farmers and artisan producers.